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Park Pride Adopted Parks Holderness and Lucile Fruit Orchard





          Policies & Procedures


The Holderness and Lucile Park has been Adopted by REDEEMED Community Outreach and has been cultivated into one of the City of Atlanta first Fruit Orchard in a Park established to grow and distribute vegetables, provide a source of wholesome food to local farmers markets, provide nutritional and cultural education for urban growers and youth, a place of fellowship for multi-generational families, and outreach to our diverse neighbors on this shared common earth.


AAA growers training will be offered to growers Free for the season , At least 20 new Added Value products will be add to our community farmers market and vendors space is available for a donation your donation  covers the cost of water usage, common tools, topsoil, compost.

And market space permits Adopted Park Fruit Orchard Access Growing Season

Water will be turned on from March 1- October 1, 2022 Hours Sunrise 7-11 sunset 6-8pm Parking

Parking is available to first come first served on Holderness and Lucile street

Contact methods



Like us on Facebook: redeemcommunityoutreach

Restrooms are not available at  fruit orchard  
There are restrooms available  at the REDEEMED office 12-6pm 


Adopted Park Fruit Orchard Supplies

AAA growers will bringing water from the MCMWEG ,. Compost and fertilizer will be supplied at the beginning of the planting season.

Organic Gardening

Holderness and Lucile Fruit Orchard is an organic Orchard . Use of compost, organic mulch, and weeding are acceptable.  The use of pesticides, herbicides, and rodenticides are not acceptable. Only Organic fertilizers are allowed.

Water and Hoses

All growers is responsible for watering see suggestions for best practices. 

  • Be considerate of your neighbors’ needs.

  • Return all Water cans back to the garden which they came from .  

  • Only one Water Can to a plot when other gardeners are waiting.

  • Use water conservatively.

  • Turn off hoses when you leave.

Please do not leave a hose unattended
Soak-er hoses are not allowed.

Tool are to be put back into storage shed 


You may store your tools in the shed, knowing that others may borrow them. If this will trouble you, please take your tools with you when you are done tending  your volunteering There are no trash cans in the Park this year. Please pick up  trash.

around the  Boundaries


Redeemed Holderness and Lucile fruit orchard are edged with mulch wood chips edging.  Interior boundary fences around 3 sides not difficult to weed and can quickly make the overall garden a beautification project .
The preferred boundary is a weed-free edge. 

We discourage the use of “scrap” materials, such as broken bricks and concrete, small fragments of sandstone or, scraps of wood, metal or plastic edger and white wire fencing. Park  Maintenance

Each Fruit tree must be kept clear of weeds, , debris, and trash.  

Each fall, turn compost and organic material into the soil and cover it with a layer of mulch to regulate soil temperature and retain moisture throughout the winter. This makes a garden plot look cared for to the passer-by. All trees are perennials


Weed control year round


AAA growers provides compost bins inside our Mother Cly Memorial West Garden . All volunteers are encouraged to utilize the composting bins . All materials used in our compost bins must be chopped into one- to two-inch pieces before being added. Please do not add diseased plant material to the compost bins.


NO grass clippings, and leaves are not allowed to be stored anywhere in the orchard at any time. To a passerby,


AAA growers will maintain Orchard once a weeks. If a Gardener expects to be away from the garden and wishes to hav


AAA Growers and Volunteers Responsibilities

Tools and Shed

Growers will be allowed access to tools and shed in the

growing season

Common Areas

Volunteers will keep clean and neat any common areas, such as pathways and storage shed.  Gardeners will promptly report any concerns about the safety of the garden to Master Gardener

Volunteer Hours

All growers and volunteers are encouraged to participate in the 2022 workdays Sundays only , from 10 -1pm workdays are scheduled for March – October .



General Conduct

Growers and volunteers are expected to be civil, honest, and cooperative in dealing with the landowner, garden neighbors, other gardeners, and guests of other gardeners.


Gardeners may bring guests, including children into the Park Orchard , provided that the guests comply with the Gardener Expectations. Children are welcome in the Park, but they must be with an adult at all times.

Respect Others Property

harvest produce open to the public no permission need we ask we ask that neighbor take enough for their family only


Volunteers may play music.  Music may not be loud enough to be a nuisance to other neighbors.

Illegal Plants

AAA growers and volunteers may not grow any plants considered to be illegal under state or federal law- this includes Cannabis (marijuana).


Gardeners may not bring any pet or animal into the garden, including for burial.  Service dogs will be allowed in the garden if staying with their owner.  Dogs are allowed in the field, if on a leash.  Dogs may also be tied to the chain-link fence near the church structure. Please clean up after your dog.

No Firearms

Gardeners may not carry, use, or store firearms in the garden.

No Smoking or Vapor

This Orchard is a non-smoking, tobacco-free, vapor-free, environment.  This is for the comfort and health of other Volunteers ; and to guard against the tobacco mosaic virus which affects tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

No Alcohol or Drug use

Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into the garden.


Dispute Resolution

AAA growers ,volunteers and the public will communicate any disputes about the garden or with fellow gardeners to the Master Gardener leader that have the power to hear these disputes and will resolve them in the best interest of the volunteer , AAA growers and the public   If a mediator is requested and will utilize a mediator to resolve the dispute.

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